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What’s All This About Local Travel?

Recently, someone asked me why I like to focus on local travel, as opposed to any old kind of travel.

It is true, I do. And I’m not alone. It seems “local” has become quite the buzzword. I’m seeing it increasingly on the cover of major travel magazines and online publications. And there are growing numbers of apps and tour guide companies popping up to capitalize on the movement.

For me, local travel is real travel. When away from home, I crave a more complete picture of my destinations rather than reinforcing antiquated stereotypes already floating around in my head.

Let’s take Rome for example.

If you think of Rome, you think of the Coliseum, Vatican City, the Trevi Fountain, the Spanish steps, gelato, pasta, pizza, and aggressively flirty men. And yes, it is amusing to go see those things.

But ask yourself, how long have those images been the perception of Rome? I bet my grandparents would have described it much the same way. And while it is charming to believe that a place stays the same, the reality is that it doesn’t.

Rome is a modern city that has evolved with local arts, music and dance scenes, new foodie cultures, and artisan practices. Did you know salsa dancing is quite popular there?

Sure, sometimes I just want to sit on a beach or check out a museum or other attraction. But I find my trips are much more rewarding when I make the effort to dig a little deeper past the tourist attractions and any preconceived ideas I have about a place.

If I do, I tend to have surprising experiences that stay with me forever.

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  • Chuck
    May 29, 2012 at 3:37 pm

    Since you have first started writing on your site you have driven home this point.
    It is interesting to see that it is becoming a more popular point of view.
    Please keep sharing your nuggets of information with us They are enlightienng

  • Rebecca
    May 29, 2012 at 8:14 pm

    I think it’s “important” to go see the main sites of foreign cities when you go somewhere you haven’t been; especially when they’re major historical attractions like in Rome… But we certainly know the Romans don’t go to the Coliseum, Vatican City, etc.. So when in Rome…(as in other cities like you’re suggesting) put aside as little time as possible for the main attractions and dig in to the real culture! For me, the best part of traveling local is eating local. So I totally agree with you. I think local travel makes all the difference between being a traveler, if you will, and being a tourist. We all know no one wants to be considered a tourist – so why do so many act like one?!

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    January 10, 2013 at 4:49 pm

    […] Canlas, http://www.salsacircuit.comSalsa Dancing has been one of the major types of dance culture that has been very popular these days…arts of the globe. Yes! Salsa dancing has reached the pedestal of success in the realm of arts. But […]

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