cytotec online Is My New Obsession is a website where you can book travel tours. But the platform is a bit unorthodox. For the most part, the guides are not professionals. Many are simply locals with a particular knowledge of their hometowns.

What does that means for travelers? You get an instant local contact that is more like a friend than a canned tour guide. And having a knowledgeable local friend is worth their weight in gold when traveling.

By nature, these tours reveal a non-touristy side of a destination. And it seems few parts of life are off limits for the experiences offered. Here’s what I mean.

You could choose something serene like the Santorini Photography Tour or The Madrid Roofftop Tour

Like to be on the cutting edge of pop culure? How about the Gangnam Style Tour in South Korea or Discover Street Art in Buenos Aires

Want to get down, dirty and hyper local? Choose the Homeless for a Day tour in San Francisco. Or try Being a Las Vegas Stripper.

Love to explore the culinary side of travel? Cooking with a French Chef in Paris might suit you. Or how about Farm to Table Cooking in Thailand?

Oh, the list goes on and on and tours are offered all over the world. Exploring this site for me is like being a kid in a candy shop.

That’s why this summer I took a few tours and videoed them. Here’s the first about a gourmet street food, party scene in London.

  • Margo
    October 5, 2012 at 4:01 pm

    Thank you for writing about this. What a great way to have a real local

  • Amy Kay
    October 5, 2012 at 4:03 pm

    Woah. That Vegas tour seems interesting 😉

  • Filomena
    October 5, 2012 at 4:04 pm

    This website sounds amazing. I will definitely try it on my next trip.

  • KDTM
    October 5, 2012 at 7:11 pm

    Time to check it out and travel!!

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