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Off the Grid in Nicaragua (VIDEO)

Thanks to a local organization, Empowerment International, I got an intimate look into life in Nicaragua – life far from ex-pat enclaves and tourist zones. What did I find? Well..Watch the video!

Also, if you liked the music you can get Moises Gadea’s album HERE.

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Empowerment International (EI) for welcoming me in and showing me around. The founder, Kathy Adams, is an astonishing woman who has achieved something very special.

Here is an excerpt from EI’s About Us page:

EI started in 1998 as a Costa Rican non-profit organization. Soon after, it expanded to Nicaragua.

EI’s approach addresses the root cause and the plight of many street children in the slums (‘barrios’) in both countries.

Street children generally come from poor families. They cannot attend school even where public education is free due to lack of funds for mandatory uniforms and school supplies. They also lack emotional support from their families. Instead of being educated, they are sent out to work on the streets selling fruits, vegetables, and trinkets.

EI reverses this trend by working with the children and their families to enable them to attend school. We provide financial and emotional support.

When these children receive an education, they are able to stay off the streets, find better jobs, and eventually break the cycle of poverty that has haunted their families for generations. Read more here.

Because Kathy has empowered members of these communities from a young age, many of them are now adults who spearhead the organizations work. EI is a true beacon of hope.

I’d like to also take this opportunity to thank Anielka, the managing director, for helping coordinate my visit and kindly giving me lots of detail. And of course, thank you Margarita for being so open with me and giving me a tour. And also, thank you to Pamela, Diana and little Marin who gave me interviews. And thank you, Juana, for welcoming me and my camera into your home.

Best wishes to you all!

PHOTO CREDIT: In the Travel with Kate opening sequence, the image behind Kate eating sushi (not of Kate) is by photographer Trey Ratcliff of


  • Mike Compton
    April 19, 2013 at 10:34 pm

    Souls in the Waves…

    Superior Morning, I just stopped in to go to your site and believed I’d say I appreciated myself….

  • Mike Compton
    April 21, 2013 at 2:21 am

    Souls in the Waves…

    Very good Morning, I just stopped in to visit your web site and considered I would say I enjoyed myself….

  • Chris
    December 23, 2015 at 2:41 am

    – Street children generally come from poor families. They cannot attend school even where public education is free due to lack of funds for mandatory uniforms and school supplies. -, when you mentioned -They cannot attend school even where public education is free due to lack of funds for mandatory uniforms and school supplies. – I dont agree, since there government laws not to obligate uniforms and school supplies is something they can get if they explain their need.

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