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I’ve Moved to London!

Well, it’s official. I’ve gone and done it. I’ve moved to Europe. I’m settling in to my life here in London after arriving less than a week ago. Over the past three years, I’ve spent weeks and months at a time here in London – during a prolonged, long-distance relationship with my now husband.

Each time I visited London, it all felt so exciting and new. I was on an adventure. And because of those experiences I am finding it hard to really believe that things are different this time – that I’m actually here to live, not just to visit.

Our flat looks the same. The neighborhood is the same, despite the odd, new restaurant or shop that has popped up in my absence. The weather is still chilly and grey with moments of beautiful blue sky and sunlight emerging through puffy, white clouds.

The buses are still red. The recorded voice in the tube still says, “mind the gap” when exiting the train. I still have to look diligently in both directions when crossing the street as I never seem to know which direction the traffic will be coming from.

And I’m wondering when it will hit me that it is for real this time.

I hope it will soon! I’m interested (and a little anxious) to see how I’ll start to build a life here, what I’ll learn about this exciting city, how work goes, how being an expat will feel over time, if I’ll be too homesick. And I’m excited to share my experiences with you!

For more on my previous London adventures click through to my youtube channel.

And to book your own London adventure check the rates!

  • CTKath
    January 12, 2016 at 10:12 pm

    Congratulations! Enjoy every minute of it!

    • travelwithkate
      January 13, 2016 at 10:58 am

      Thank you so much!! It really is an exciting new adventure 🙂

  • AmelK
    January 22, 2016 at 10:33 am

    Oh Kate, C’est formidable. Bienvenue ma belle !!

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