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Kate’s Travel Playlist – Track 5: “Renegate” (Music)

Alright, so this time I have some music that is in a completely different genre. I think you’ll either really love it (like I do) or you’ll hate it.

This week I am featuring the German, House music of:

Booka Shade

This song, Renegate, is a single put out in 2010. Booka Shade has a total of 4 albums and 20 singles.  


The group comprises of Walter Merziger and Arno Kammermeier, who have been making this music together for over 25 years.

Their music is categorized as dance music but it is greatly influenced by classical, rock, jazz, and dubstep. And if you check out their other songs you’ll find quite a variety in sounds.

Get Booka Shade on Amazon

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Kate’s Travel Playlist – Track 1 , Track 2, Track 3, and Track 4

  • pika
    February 28, 2012 at 5:09 am

    i loved it! thank you for sharing!!! now i just need a whole playlist with those types of songs and im good to go for my party this weekend =) xo

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