Tips for Choosing a Travel Companion

Choosing your travel companions is a form of commitment.

You are going to be in close quarters with this person or people for extended amounts of time. Your itineraries will be intertwined. You’ll have to make important decisions and trouble shoot obstacles together. And you are going to want it all to be enjoyable.

So here are some questions to ask yourself before you extend an invitation or as you anticipate an already planned trip:

1.    Do you have similar travel styles?

Do you stay on the beaten path or seek culturally immersive experiences? Do you like organized tours or do you like to wander without a destination in mind?

2.    Do your expectations of luxury match?

Are you interested in hostels all the way, mid-range hotels or 5-stars only?

3.    Are you keeping to a similar budget?

Will their lack of budget hamper your adventurism or your need for creature comforts? Or will you be tempted to shell out more than you want just to keep up with them?

4.    Do your energy levels align?

Are you go-go-go or stroll-read-nap? Do you like to dance all night or sleep all night? Do you need to get your exercise in or does that sound ridiculous?

5.    Will one of you be on the prowl?

Are you both single, ready to mingle or married and unavailable?

6.    Do your drinking habits correspond?

Are you a casual drinker and they like to start at 2pm and go into the night? Or vice versa.

7.    What are your food preferences?

Are you a street-food-consumer or fine dining aficionado? Or is it all the same to you?

8.    Is one of you more dominant than the other(s)?

Will there be one person picking up the slack, planning everything and being the leader? Or may there be more of a balance?

9.    How much time will you really be spending together?

Do either of you need some alone time everyday? Do you sometimes like to wander off to explore solo? Or does being alone at any time freak you out?

Inevitably, with your travel companions, like in all relationships, you’ll have to accommodate each other at times. And thus, it is nice to be aligned as much as possible so that the trip is most enjoyable for all involved.

But do keep in mind, sometimes the best trips are the ones when you are pushed to try new things and abandon your routines.

  • Andrew
    June 14, 2012 at 10:20 am

    Great Advice-
    Your last comment rang so true to me.
    Some of my best trips have been with those I finally agreed to travel with even though our interests were not the same.
    Yet some did not work out so well.
    So your primary advice is the best but now and then I guess you have to roll the dice and try new things…. sometimes.

    • travelwkate
      June 14, 2012 at 10:24 am

      Thank you Andrew! Yes, you never know. But a little foresight might prepare you mentally for what to expect.

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