
5 Questions to Help Pick a Destination

You might have a window of time during which you can get away, you may want to celebrate a special occasion or maybe you just have a yearning for a change of scenery – but you can’t quite pinpoint a destination for a trip.

I don’t blame you. It’s a big world out there with so much to experience. Let me see if I can be of assistance.

Here is a list of questions I created to help you decide on a destination…

  1. Do you want to be in hot or cold weather?
  2. Do you want to speak the language or not?
  3. Do you want to go to a new destination or one you already know?
  4. What is your main goal for the trip? Relaxation? Sit on a Beach? Climb a Mountain? Explore a big city? Surround yourself with nature?
  5. What places have been on your bucket list for years? And which ones match up with the above answers?

This last question is key. Often times the reason it is so hard to decide on a location is because we don’t necessarily have an emotional connection to every option that sounds interesting.

But if you match your current expectations for a getaway with a destination that has been pulling at your heart strings for years it will be a tremendously rewarding trip. Once you book it, you won’t be second guessing yourself. You’ll be bouncing around the room with excitement.

Here is another tool that could help narrow down your options.

Once you write down your responses to these questions, I bet you’ll have a few destinations in mind – or at least regions. Armed with newfound direction, go to kayak.com/explore to see what flights you can get worldwide in your budget and during your time frame.

Kayak.com/explore is a fun tool to discover what destinations are actually in your budget. However, don’t be discouraged if your heart’s desire is out of your price range on there. Also try a regular kayak.com search, other ticketing sites and airline sites. You never know what you will find.


  • Amanda
    May 31, 2012 at 8:53 am

    very helpful…gets you started which can be the toughest part.
    I intend to use your method.

    • travelwkate
      June 14, 2012 at 10:35 am

      I am so glad to help, Amanda!

  • Vicky
    May 31, 2012 at 10:40 am

    Great tips! And yes, the heart is a huge part of taking a trip. Can’t wait for the next post.

    • travelwkate
      June 14, 2012 at 10:35 am

      Thanks Vicky!

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