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Take a Tour of my New Website

It’s a really big week at! As you have surely observed, I have a completely new website. Rest assured, the content is the same. It is just all organized and presented differently. You know, like it’s a real website and not just a blog roll!

It is all pretty self-explanatory. But here’s a little tour to help you get situated.

The Basics

On the homepage, you can find my latest videos playing front and center. Then if you scroll down to below the fold you can see the headlines of my last 6 blog posts.

To go directly to my blog roll you can simply click the blog button in the navigation bar at the top of the page.


When I post a video, it will appear on the homepage in the main video player. It will also appear on my blog roll with accompanying text.

The place to find all videos at once is on the Travel Shows page. There you can simply scroll down to browse videos. When you click on the video thumbnail, a larger viewing screen will pop up to play.

If you just want videos from certain destinations, click the destination tab that interests you. For example if you click, Paris, the page will load with only videos from Paris.

For more information on any given video click the “Read More” button just below the thumbnail on the Travel Shows page. That will take you to full blog posts!

Subscribe and Follow

On every page you will find the Subscribe button. Please subscribe! If you do, you’ll get an email every time I post. And I’ll send you newsletters from time to time. If you are already subscribed to my old site, unfortunately, those contacts won’t transfer. Please subscribe again!

On every page, you’ll also find the Twitter icon and the Facebook icon. Click those to follow/like me. I hope you will.


Have a message for me? Or a question? Send me a note on the contact page.

Thank you

I just want to say thank you to my webdesign team at CNSLT.US who designed my site and continue to help me trouble shoot! And to you, my viewer, I hope you like the new design. I’ll be making tweaks along the way. Any feedback would be much appreciated.






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