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Escape to London with Me Right Now (VIDEO)

Escape with me to London for less than 30 seconds! I took this video yesterday evening on a walk along the Thames River in Central London.

It was a magical moment during a beautiful Spring day in my favorite city. The light was shinning in that special way that it does here after it rains. The sky, bright blue and full of dense white clouds. Londoners and visitors were strolling and commuting with these transcendent views of bridges, water and old world charm. And that music was ambient music, a street performer playing some sort of homemade instrument!

This is a rather new idea for me–these short videos giving a quick glimpse into a moment while traveling. Let me know what you think! Should I do more like these? What should I make them about? How can I improve them? Did you feel transported?

  • carla
    May 25, 2014 at 12:35 pm

    Great Idea – left me wanting but still gave me a taste!!

    • travelwithkate
      May 28, 2014 at 12:05 pm

      Thanks Carla!

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