
Meet Montana Locals: The Hat Man #VIDEO

Larry Shore sells and personally shapes hats for each of his customers. It has been his trade and passion for over 40 years. He knows that as he warms up the edges of those hats, bending and molding them to a perfect shape that he is making a contribution far deeper than simply selling a hat. He is also shaping countless moments that the wearer will have on horseback, on the job and throughout life. He is contributing to that individuals place in the world, to their identity. I really enjoyed connecting with Larry, someone who has genuinely found his calling.

Larry and his wife run WesTrends, in Norris, Montana. But I got my hat from the WesTrends mobile trailer that they take around the state to schools, festivals, and other events. On this occasion, they had pulled into the Flathead Lake Lodge where we were staying.

This experience was just one moment along an epic, week-long road trip adventure I took this summer with Expedia. With nearly a dozen other Expedia bloggers and influencers, I explored beautiful Montana from Missoula, to Whitefish, and Glacier National Park.

More “Meet Montana locals” videos and Montana blog posts to come.

Also meet Nancy Martin, the donut lady, from the Windmill Village Bakery.

Here is my hat before it was shaped.

Here is my hat before it was shaped.


There he is in action, putting his masterful touch on my hat.

There he is in action, putting his masterful touch on my hat.


And here it is now shaped and ready to go!

And here it is now shaped and ready to go!









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