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When Does Travel Begin?

Try to remember the last trip you went on. At what point did it start? Was it when you checked into your hotel? Or was it before that, when you boarded the plane? Or was it still at home as you packed? I think, in general, travel actually begins the moment you book your flights or hotels – the moment you commit.…

Trip It, the Travel App

Yesterday I booked a flight to Rome. Roma here I come! Actually that is not the only trip on my horizon. I have a really exciting lineup of travel this summer spanning over three continents. And as I book my flights and make my accommodations I need to get organized. I usually create a Word document where I write all my itinerary details. I print it out along with my boarding pass and anything that has a bar code – like car rental confirmations. But this time, I’m finally trying something new! And that is the app and online resource called, Trip It.…

Tips for Choosing a Travel Companion

Choosing your travel companions is a form of commitment. You are going to be in close quarters with this person or people for extended amounts of time. Your itineraries will be intertwined. You’ll have to make important decisions and trouble shoot obstacles together. And you are going to want it all to be enjoyable. So here are some questions to ask yourself before you extend an invitation or as you anticipate an already planned trip:…

Traveling to Carve Out Your Identity

During college, I was awakened to the life-changing benefits of travel. It started with a trip to Italy, the summer before my freshman year. And then you couldn’t stop me. It seemed I was always finding a way to convince my parents that my next trip was vital. Travel had become central to my life. But it wasn’t until after college, when I had an encounter with an old friend, that I could really pinpoint why it was so important to me. I remember, my Mom was having a party, and I was sitting around with a group of dear, old friends. I had been on a trip earlier that year. And I was telling them all about it. At…

Never Forget Your Roots

I’m kind of a mutt when it comes to my genealogy. My mom is a blonde-haired, green-eyed babe whose parents are of Northern European descent. Past that, I don’t know many specifics about her side. But my dad is half Lebanese and half Sicilian. And it is my dad’s side of the family who are particularly prideful about our origins. My grandfather would often say, “Never forget your roots.” He, himself, was born in Deerfield, Michigan. But his parents were from the northern hills of Lebanon. And he wanted to make sure none of us forgot that. And although I grew up in Los Angeles, far from the Middle East, I don’t speak Arabic and I don’t have many close…

Positively Positive, Joseph Campbell and Travel

Yesterday, the blog, Positively Positive posted this quote by Joseph Campbell to their Facebook page. I love the quote because it is freeing and rings so true. Immediately after reading Mr. Campbell’s words, I thought about how to apply this to my everyday life – my work life and my romantic life. And then it hit me. This is a perfect piece of advice for traveling. I’ll just change the words around a little:…