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seeking fulfillment

How to feel fulfilled via Woody Allen

Yesterday I watched Midnight in Paris on a plane. It was my fourth time watching this Woody Allen film. When it first came out, I had watched it three times in a row because it resonated so deeply with me. The protagonist is a writer struggling to find fulfillment in life. He blames his discontentment on not being born in an inspiring era – specifically not being able to experience Paris in the 1920’s.  In a strange turn of events, he accidentally finds a way back into the past to that very time and place, encountering long-passed idols such as Hemingway, Fitzgerald, and Cole Porter. On these midnight jaunts to his most desired moments in history, he learns that it’s…

Kate Thomas Travel with Kate

Tips for Becoming a Professional Traveler

Over the years I have received messages from viewers and readers asking me how to become a professional traveler. In response, here are my tips that I wish someone had given me when I was starting out. First of all, there are so many ways you can work within the travel industry. Don’t just focus on becoming a travel blogger who is essentially a mobile entrepreneur and small business owner. Choosing this path is a very distinct lifestyle decision that one should make deliberately. It requires an entrepreneurial spirit and a willingness to forgo benefits of working inside a company. If you are already enticed by travel blogging but you don’t have the ability to travel right now, begin locally.…

Top Ten Gifts for the Travelers in your Life

Here are my top ten gifts for travelers this holiday season. This list is for men and women who are both leisure travelers and business travelers. These are products and services that I personally enjoy as a frequent traveler or that I really want myself! You won’t find any globe lamps or necklaces shaped like the continents. These ideas are specifically to address real needs and wants of travelers.   1. Stylish compression legwear I know, it’s not the sexiest part about travel but it’s a real consideration. Since my early twenties, I have had a problem with swelling in my legs when I fly on long-haul flights. This is common for many people of all ages on flights as…

Ways of making local friends #ConvoStarter

Welcome to our second post of conversation starters! I say “our” because we are really doing this together, you and me, and other travelers or dormant travelers who join our conversation. In the first “Conversation Starter” post, we talked about whether or not making friends while traveling can transform and enhance the way we experience a destination. Many of the commenters raved about the enriching nature of these connections and even shared a few of their own travel stories. But one of the commenters, Ben, raised an issue that I often hear and wanted to highlight. He wrote: “OK, unlike the rest of the bunch, I actually do think it’s quite difficult to meet people in foreign countries in a…

The Women’s Travel Fest 2015 #VIDEO

This month I attended an event in San Francisco that was created entirely to empower and encourage women to travel. The Women’s Travel Fest is open to the public for anyone who wants to learn more about travel, how to plan their next trip, and to meet other courageous women who want to journey the world. I went to last year’s event as a speaker and returned this year to cover the event for Expedia in the video above. And I have to say, it is truly a coming-together of like-minded women yearning to make their travel dreams come true. The energy and camaraderie was electric. On stage were knowledgeable women who have created careers in travel as journalists, magazine…

The First Step to Achieving your Dreams

This time of year I find myself at parties and gatherings reconnecting with old friends and family. In these interactions people ask “what’s going on in your world. You are doing travel, right?” I tell them about Travel with Kate, my work with my clients and my adventures. Their reply is inevitably, “wow, so you are living the dream!” It is true. I am certainly living my dream. But there are many wonderful dreams to be had. Maybe you dream of a life like mine, often on the road, traveling to new destinations. Or perhaps, you dream of creating your own local business. Or you may hope to succeed as a screenwriter or as a doctor. The number of dreams…