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I’ve Moved to London!

Well, it’s official. I’ve gone and done it. I’ve moved to Europe. I’m settling in to my life here in London after arriving less than a week ago. Over the past three years, I’ve spent weeks and months at a time here in London – during a prolonged, long-distance relationship with my now husband. Each time I visited London, it all felt so exciting and new. I was on an adventure. And because of those experiences I am finding it hard to really believe that things are different this time – that I’m actually here to live, not just to visit. Our flat looks the same. The neighborhood is the same, despite the odd, new restaurant or shop that has…

Livret de famille

What is a Livret de Famille?

This blue velvet, gold-embossed gem is a Livret de Famille or family booklet. And if you are getting married in France, you’ll get one too. The Livret de Famille holds your new family’s official records of births and marriage information. And for the rest of one’s marriage, one must record all big family events in their book: the birth of children, adoption, any deaths in the immediate family, divorce, or separation. All families in France must hold onto their family booklet as it is required for official matters. For example, if you enroll your children in school, if you apply for some visas or citizenship, or if you buy property you’ll be asked to produce it. I’ll tell you one thing. I…

Traveling for connection #ConvoStarter

I created Travel with Kate a couple years ago to provide a place where people could go for positive perspectives on cultures around the world. I want to inspire others to travel (and live their daily lives) in a way that allows them to connect with individuals from different perspectives, walks of life, and countries. I want to demonstrate the depth of personal growth that can arise from these connections. This idea came to me because when I travel I find that the world is a much more welcoming place than often perceived. And I’ve formed profound friendships with individuals along my travels that have enriched my life and helped me define my own path. But often when I come…