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Notes from the Road: Sevilla, Spain


Sevilla is a city in Southern Spain, a one-hour flight or two-hour-and-20-minute train ride from Madrid. It is best visited in Spring and Fall (and best avoided in summer because of the heat.) This city is quite special. If you are coming to Spain, Sevilla and the greater Southern region of Andalucia can be a rather magical addition to a trip.

While I was there, creating my videos for Travel with Kate, I sat in a cafe with an Iberian ham sandwich and a fresh squeezed orange juice. And I jotted down a few thoughts in my notebook…

“This city squeaks. Many of the streets are narrow and winding. No grid layout here. Many of the smaller roads are paved with stones. And when cars roll over those polished stones they make a squeaking noise.

Sevillian pedestrians and drivers have a patient way of co-existing. The buildings, home to apartments and businesses, tower above the skinny streets shading them from the sun most of the day. And while the roadways are narrow, the sidewalks, if present, are even more so.

Kate walking in SevillaA narrow street in Sevilla

Sevilla Rough TopsThe Jewish quarter from above.

Observing Sevilla, you wouldn’t know that Spain is in a recession. Cafes and bars from Triana to the Alameda de Hercules are packed full of locals dining well into the night. See my tapas video in Triana. And those locals, they like variety. They may have their regular go-to eateries but they often hop from bar to bar and order tapa to tapa.

The food here is inexpensive and very good. In the touristy areas, although charming, you can pay much more for less tasty food than in the more local neighborhoods. Those areas of Triana and Alameda de Hercules are where to find them.

Surprisingly, the city of Sevilla is becoming a hub for international immigration.

During my one-week trip I encountered two Americans, a Swedish woman, an Iranian, a Colombian, and a Chinese woman who all moved to Sevilla to live. And they explained that once you are here, it’s hard to leave the easy and social lifestyle that the city provides.

And social is the appropriate word. From teenagers to grandmothers, people of all demographics can be found out and about having a good time. Singing, dancing, sharing meals together the Sevillian spirit is lively and refreshing to see.”

In my next video that I will be publishing on Wednesday, you’ll get a view into the romantic side of Sevilla with wonderful images of the winding streets and charming character of the city. And next week it’s another tapas video from a Sunday in Alameda de Hercules. Stay tuned!

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