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Personal Journey

The Perils of Being Pregnant in Paris

After finding out I was pregnant only a few weeks after moving to Paris, I immediately dug into the complexities of maternity in France such as getting a local medical card, finding a doctor and a place to give birth. Like every pregnant woman, I was swiftly warned about avoiding certain foods. But somehow these restrictions are harder in France than elsewhere. On this list of no-no’s were: Unpasteurized dairy products, alcohol, caffeinated drinks, under-cooked meats, fish and eggs. Deli meats, cured meats, and cold leftovers of any kind are also forbidden. Avoiding many of these items in my new home is a challenge because consuming them was the very benefit I was most looking forward to as I moved…

My First Months as a Parisian – Big Announcement!

Upon moving to Paris in October of 2016, there were quite a few things on my agenda. To name a few, I needed to open a bank account, get a local phone number, sign up for local health coverage, take steps to get my visa finalized, decide on what part of town to live in, look for an apartment, and look for work. Something that was not on my to-do list was conceiving a child! My husband and I had, what felt like, a really awesome plan. For our first few months in Paris, we planned to test out different neighborhoods via Airbnb as a way to ultimately decide where to live. The idea was to give each neighborhood at…

Travel with Kate Paris


Hello dear friends, I have some big news. After moving to London earlier this year to join my husband, we have moved once again. This time to Paris!! It has been nearly two months. And I kept the news to myself because I wanted to live the experience whole-heartedly – not thinking about pictures to share or videos or blogs to make. I wanted it just for me. This move wasn’t easy. Somehow when I moved to London from Los Angeles a few months after our wedding it was an incredibly smooth transition. I had already spent quite some time in London – visiting the sights around town and also getting to know our neighborhood, meeting local characters, choosing my…

seeking fulfillment

How to feel fulfilled via Woody Allen

Yesterday I watched Midnight in Paris on a plane. It was my fourth time watching this Woody Allen film. When it first came out, I had watched it three times in a row because it resonated so deeply with me. The protagonist is a writer struggling to find fulfillment in life. He blames his discontentment on not being born in an inspiring era – specifically not being able to experience Paris in the 1920’s.  In a strange turn of events, he accidentally finds a way back into the past to that very time and place, encountering long-passed idols such as Hemingway, Fitzgerald, and Cole Porter. On these midnight jaunts to his most desired moments in history, he learns that it’s…

St. Jude and my grandfather’s dream told by my aunt Marlo Thomas

Whenever I hear the story of how Danny Thomas created St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital I get the chills. His story pulls at my heart stings because I know how hard he worked. I know how many dedicated people rallied with him to make the dream come true. I know what an outstanding impact St. Jude is making in the world – saving children’s lives. I know because Danny Thomas was my grandfather. Throughout Thanksgiving week, my aunt, Marlo Thomas will be appearing on the Today Show talking about the hospital, introducing us to patients and helping us learn more about our groundbreaking research. Here are the appearances. I’m especially touched by the first one, telling the story of how…

Livret de famille

What is a Livret de Famille?

This blue velvet, gold-embossed gem is a Livret de Famille or family booklet. And if you are getting married in France, you’ll get one too. The Livret de Famille holds your new family’s official records of births and marriage information. And for the rest of one’s marriage, one must record all big family events in their book: the birth of children, adoption, any deaths in the immediate family, divorce, or separation. All families in France must hold onto their family booklet as it is required for official matters. For example, if you enroll your children in school, if you apply for some visas or citizenship, or if you buy property you’ll be asked to produce it. I’ll tell you one thing. I…