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Personal Journey

Travel with Kate Town hall Paris

On the winding road to my Paris wedding

So the good news is, all went well with my appointments at the Paris town hall and the US Embassy. That is, everything BUT that the town hall refused to give us a wedding date! Long story short, our town hall has a stipulation that once a dossier is submitted, there is an additional step before you are fully approved. It is an antiquated process that is just plain silly. Basically, they must publish an announcement that is visible to the public for two weeks stating our plans to be married. It is called “La publication des bans.” I guess it comes from the idea of allowing community members the chance to object in the case that there is knowledge…

Reconnecting in Romantic Budapest, Oh yes!

This is a picture of the beautiful and surprising city of Budapest, a place that served to rekindle the flames of my long distance love affair. I’m currently in my third year of long distance with my boyfriend who lives in London. The over 5,400 miles that often separate us (I live in Los Angeles) are a real test of our bond. There is a distinct bittersweet quality to it all. Our meetings are so full of joy and passion. But our time apart can be agonizing. The distance seems to slow down the days, weeks, and months. When we are in the same place, we visit each other in our respective cities and meet up in destinations around the…

The First Step to Achieving your Dreams

This time of year I find myself at parties and gatherings reconnecting with old friends and family. In these interactions people ask “what’s going on in your world. You are doing travel, right?” I tell them about Travel with Kate, my work with my clients and my adventures. Their reply is inevitably, “wow, so you are living the dream!” It is true. I am certainly living my dream. But there are many wonderful dreams to be had. Maybe you dream of a life like mine, often on the road, traveling to new destinations. Or perhaps, you dream of creating your own local business. Or you may hope to succeed as a screenwriter or as a doctor. The number of dreams…

Kate wins 2nd Place in USA TODAY Contest for Best Travel Videographer Online!

Making art or pursuing any creative endeavor requires, above all, a passion that burns within you to make your soul’s desire a reality. It is scary as all hell to put yourself out there and say, Hey! This is me and this is what I could give today. It can be a very vulnerable experience. And at the same time, doing what you love can be immensely rewarding regardless of what the outside world thinks. This month, USA Today and 10Best ran an online contest. It was for a people’s choice award naming the top 10 video travel bloggers online. And I was listed among the 20 nominees. I have been creating my travel web series and blog to share…

Traveling Back in Time with My Dad

In a recent article for Expedia Viewfinder, I write about how I might travel using a time machine if given the opportunity. The post was inspired by Expedia’s campaign in support of the new Dreamworks film, Mr. Peabody and Sherman. And in writing my piece, I was really surprised to find how personal the topic of time travel turned out to be for me. Most people might choose to go back to some profound moment in world history. And in the film, the main characters do exactly that from Troy to Versailles to Ancient Egypt, accidentally wreaking havoc on the space-time continuum. But me!? I’d go back to the toe-tapping era of the 1950’s in Vegas. Why? Well, first of…

What is Local Travel Anyway?

It is a core mission of my website and video series to help my viewers travel locally. Either here or on other travel publications, I’m sure you’ve seen articles referencing local travel, getting an authentic experience, or experiential travel. And you might be wondering, what do these buzz words mean exactly? I think there are two main components to local travel. One is the ability to experience a destination for what it is today. The other is to make personal connections with people from a different part of the world. Both opportunities can enhance your trip and impact your life. Every destination has a living, breathing society that is evolving all the time. Think about your hometown or New York…