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Kate wins 2nd Place in USA TODAY Contest for Best Travel Videographer Online!

Making art or pursuing any creative endeavor requires, above all, a passion that burns within you to make your soul’s desire a reality. It is scary as all hell to put yourself out there and say, Hey! This is me and this is what I could give today. It can be a very vulnerable experience. And at the same time, doing what you love can be immensely rewarding regardless of what the outside world thinks. This month, USA Today and 10Best ran an online contest. It was for a people’s choice award naming the top 10 video travel bloggers online. And I was listed among the 20 nominees. I have been creating my travel web series and blog to share…

Kate Thomas

A Nomination and News! An Update from Kate – July 2014

Hello there! Well, things are bubbling over here for me and Travel with Kate. And I wanted to share the exciting news! From Expedia to TripAdvisor to USA Today and 10Best the Travel with Kate online presence is spreading! First, USA Today and 10 Best nominated me for a people’s choice award as one of the top ten video travel bloggers online. To explain my category they wrote: “A video log, or vlog, may be one of the best ways to sample a destination before you see it. The world’s top travel videographers do it with expertly-shot footage and witty narrative. Their audience turns to them for more than breathtaking landscapes or adrenaline-spiking activities. These multimedia artists also translate the culture and…

My Trip to Spain Was Out of a Storybook (VIDEO)

This Travel with Kate video showcases my recent travels to Spain, a trip a long time coming. And it was made possible because of Expedia. This summer they are running a campaign called Find Your Storybook. The idea behind the campaign is that travel can make your wildest imaginations a reality. So what do you think? Do you want to go to Sevilla yet? I’ll be posting a video once a week on Wednesdays for four weeks following this post. The teaser video points to a trip all about Flamenco. But the coming videos will show off the local food as well as a very romantic side to the city of Sevilla. And of course, I’ll post my videos about…

Escape to London with Me Right Now (VIDEO)

Escape with me to London for less than 30 seconds! I took this video yesterday evening on a walk along the Thames River in Central London. It was a magical moment during a beautiful Spring day in my favorite city. The light was shinning in that special way that it does here after it rains. The sky, bright blue and full of dense white clouds. Londoners and visitors were strolling and commuting with these transcendent views of bridges, water and old world charm. And that music was ambient music, a street performer playing some sort of homemade instrument! This is a rather new idea for me–these short videos giving a quick glimpse into a moment while traveling. Let me know what you think! Should I…

Rediscovering Los Angeles with my Fellow Locals

Living in one place for many years, gives us the impression that we have a holistic view of our own hometown. But the truth of the matter is our experiences, our family, our friends, and even the address of our home all impact our understanding of our cities. And I am currently learning this lesson in a big way. Last year, I moved back to my hometown of Los Angeles after living in New York for five years. At the time, I braced myself for some intense culture shock. Despite the upgrades in weather and certain facets of life – I was concerned that the LA I knew would not hold my attention as had New York. I am not going to next tell…

Echo Park Bar Hop (VIDEO)

In my latest Travel with Kate video, I explored a side of my own home town that I was not so familiar with: Echo Park.  There, I met up with the rock band, Kiven. Their latest album, In The Fire, just came out and last month they were #1 on the famed radio station KROQ! Below is a clip from their single. Most of the band lives in Echo Park – a place once known for being rather dangerous. But now it is evolving (like so much of the East side of LA) into a more friendly environment for hipsters and creatives looking to carve out a new identity for the city. We start the video off in one of…